When your most important projects - and clients - are most demanding, look to this extra-heavy matte paper. Produce highly saturated, photo-realistic images and see flat, ripple-free prints. Streamline your workflow and maintain high productivity with instant-dry, smear-resistant prints that enable immediate handling and lamination. Offer your customers an FSC®-certified paper that can help them achieve their environmental goals.
When the job requires professional full-color graphics and photo-realistic images this heavy, matte-finish paper - with a barrier layer under a thick top coating that enables ripple-free prints - delivers excellent highlights and rich shadow details.
Move quickly and smoothly through post-print processing. Instant-dry, smear-resistant prints - even with high ink densities - enable immediate handling and lamination. Excellent film laminate compatibility helps you keep peak productivity.
Produce a wide array of graphics-display applications and print with both Original HP dye- and pigment-based inks. Deliver prints with over 1 year, unlaminated indoor in-window display permanence, over 200 years indoor, away from direct sun.