UPDATE June 2013: See our latest post on photo booth software. As photo booths grow in popularity, I continue to get asked questions about what software is the best choice for photographers wanting to build their own booths. While there are many choices when it comes to printer options, there just aren’t that many when it comes to software. The two most popular photo booth software programs with our customers are Breeze Systems or PhotoBoof. These are both PC platform programs and capable of accepting drivers from popular photo booth dye sub printers (such as the Sony UPCX1 or Sony UP-DR200). Both programs also allow you to take advantage of the 2x6 or 2x8 “photo strip” printing available with these printers. We also get a lot of questions about photo booth programs for the Mac platform. There are some interesting developments taking place relative to Mac and photo booths. Breeze Systems has announced that they will have a beta version available sometime in October with full release scheduled for later in 2010. Another company to keep an eye on is Allen Christopher Software. This company recently announced that they would be introducing a Mac compatible photo booth program. Read more here. I also get asked a lot of questions about green screen capability with photo booth software programs. Breeze Systems has one that works with a variety of graphic elements. By combining live view with green screen and an overlay image, users are able to interact with a virtual scene containing both foreground and background elements. See for yourself here. Feel free to give me a call or email me at steve@imagingspectrum.com if you have any questions and/or need advice on choosing a good professional printer for your system. If you are not interested in building your own booth, we might be able to recommend one of our customers who have a “turn key” solution for you. Have a super day! Steve Behen Related posts: http://imagingspectrum.com/blog/2009/11/choosingphotobooth/ http://imagingspectrum.com/blog/2010/01/sony-introduces-photo-booth-paper/ Website Links: Photo Boof Software https://www.photoboof.com/ Breeze System Photo Booth Software https://www.breezesoftware.com/photobooth-and-event-solutions/ Allen Christopher Professional Photography Software https://www.allenchristopher.com/
Photo Booth Software Update
Posted by Steve BehenSign up to receive news and special deals
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