Free Holiday Card Templates with Purchase of Sinfonia CE1 Photo Printer

Free Holiday Templates with purchase of Sinfonia CE1 Photo PrinterPurchase a Sinfonia CE1 8-inch photo printer or a Shinko S1245 8-inch photo printer during the month of November or December and we will include a set of 4x8 Christmas and Holiday photo card templates. Templates are available as Adobe Photoshop .PSD files or formatted for use in Darkroom Software (.xbdr files).

Sinfonia CE1 8-inch photo printer

One of the features of the Sinfonia CE1 printer (and the Shinko S1245) is that when it is loaded with 8x12 media, it will cut the sheet every four inches creating three 4x8 photos out of an 8x12 print. If you use Darkroom Core or Darkroom Pro software, you can easily drop in photographs and customize the text. Many of our customers use this feature to print 4x8 photo cards. These work well for special promotions, add on sales, events and Santa photo shoots. Below are images of the four cards that are included as part of the promotion. Free 4x8 Holiday Photo Card TemplateFree Happy Holidays 4x8 Photo Card TemplateFree Merry Christmas 4x8 Holiday Photo Card TemplateFree Christmas Tree 4x8 Holiday Photo Card TemplateFree Hanukkah 4x8 Holiday Photo Card Template How do you get the templates? After you make your purchase, we'll email you a link where you can download the files. Purchase today or contact your sales rep for more information 800-342-9294.
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