Videos Demonstrate Why The Pros Choose Epson Stylus Pro 900 Series Printers

The Epson Stylus Pro 900 Series Printers are simply awesome! But don't take our word for it - listen to famed wedding and portrait photographer Bambi Cantrell. Or hear Greg Gorman talk about B&W prints and Epson's dedication to the professional photographer. Concerned about skin tones? See why Douglas Dubler likes the new orange and green inks that have been added to the 900 series printers.
As soon as I heard about the additional orange and green inks, I knew I was going to get better skin tone reproduction. In my world of fashion and beauty photography, it all starts with skin tones, and if the skin tone isn't right, then the picture's not right. ~Douglas Dubler

Epson announced the new videos at this year's Photo Plus Expo in October. Other well known photographers featured in the videos include John Paul Caponigro, Jay Maisel, Steve McCurry, and Jeff Schewe. You can view the videos at Epson's Focal Points website.


If you are interested in learning more about the Epson Stylus Pro 7900 or Epson Stylus Pro 9900, call and speak with one of our technical sales reps. They can answer your questions and tell you how other photographers are using Epson printers to grow their business. Looking for assistance with Epson supplies, check out the Quick Supply Finder on our website, or call (or email) us and ask for an Epson Media Guide and Swatch Book.
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