It’s evident from speaking with our customers and reading their stories, there is no shortage of crazy things that happen at photo booth events. Some made us laugh and others made us cry! All submissions received Darkroom tumblers and Tony wins the grand prize. Congratulations to Tony Mueller of Mid-America Photo Booth in St. Louis for submitting our favorite story. “Photobomb Gone Wrong!”

Drunk Photo Bomber Nearly Destroys Photo Booth

Photo-Booth-KissBack in 2010 I had the photo booth out for a wedding at a local venue that's also a glass blowing studio (Third Degree Glass Factory). Less than an hour into the reception a particularly drunk groomsman thought it would be funny to pull off a photo bomb by running full speed through the photo booth. That was a bad idea. My booth at the time was one of the pop-up frame variety with curtains, and my printer was set up on a table outside the booth. They had me set up right next to a large wall display of hand blown glass vases so, in an effort to avoid booth users falling backward and breaking $500 - $1000 pieces of art, I moved the printer table around to the opposite side from the camera and computer. My cables were just long enough to make it half way around the booth and reach the printer. As this fool tried to run all the way through my booth he nearly toppled the frame and ripped the curtains on the side opposite the entrance. At the same time he also yanked the power and USB cables out of the printer and almost pulled the printer table down too. To make an already interesting evening just a little more painful... I wasn't smart enough back then to know a good surge protector was cheap insurance. A power surge later in the evening killed my Kodak 6850 dye sub printer. Good thing I had a backup... how that one died is a story for another time” Tony Mueller Mid-America Photo Booth midamericaphotobooth.com sales@midamericaphotobooth.com Tony wins a free box of photo printer supplies. Thanks Tony!
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