What do I do with my obsolete Photo Printer?

Sony UPDR150 Photo PrinterOver the twenty plus years that Imaging Spectrum has been selling and supporting digital photo printers we have seen many come and go. Anyone remember the Kodak XL 7000? With the recent announcement that DNP will no longer make media for the popular Sony UP-DR150 photo printer, we have been getting lots of questions of what to do with this hunk of metal. Here are a few suggestions:

  • If the printer is still working there is a slim chance that someone might be interested in your printer as a back up or for spare parts. Check eBay or Craigslist.
  • There is a lot of metal and wire in a Sony UP-DR150. Check for local scrap metal recycling companies, they may actually pay you for it. We use a local metal recycling company called Community Recycling.
  • Lastly, some charitable organizations will accept your photo printer as scrap metal. For example, we have had customers take their Sony UP-DR70's to Goodwill.

Good luck and good printing. Please comment below or contact us if you have any questions.

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