At Imaging Spectrum, we get requests for sample prints almost daily. We do these at no charge for all of the professional high quality event and photo booth printers on the market today.
When you request sample prints it might be helpful for you to understand the work that goes on behind the scenes to insure your samples are an accurate reflection of the photo printer as it would be in the real world. Because not everyone uses the same exact professional workflow tools, color space, capture devices, etc., we think it is fair to use little or no manipulation in the creation of your sample prints. We like you to see how it would look right out of the box with common tools that are popular in professional workflows.
Our “test target” is a combination of 4 different shades of skin tone, neutral gray scales and a variety of common subjects that are easily recognizable. From our test target, you can check each sample for how it may handle highlight details, shadow details and what industry professionals call “flesh to neutral” color balance.
We also remind the customer that regardless of the technical side of things, ultimately, it is your emotional response or “subjective” nature of visual science that will matter in the end. Our hope is that “you” will find a product that will satisfy both your quality standards and budget. If we can help you make a more informed decision, then we have succeeded in our mission to support your efforts.
If you would like to learn more about the history of test targets as they have been used in the professional imaging and event markets, have a look at this article from NPR.
How Kodak's Shirley Cards Set Photography's Skin-Tone Standard
To request a sample print please send us an email. Be sure to list which printer(s) you are interested in and include your mailing address. Or call us at 800-342-9294.