The New Sinfonia CS2 Photo Printer - A First Look
Posted by Steve Behen
Our first day with the CS2.
There is plenty to say about the new Sinfonia CS2 photo printer as it quickly gains in popularity with photo booth owners. This new printer has a nice small footprint! Love it! This is the smallest professional photo booth printer on the market. It is about the same width as the discontinued Sony UPCX1, is one inch shorter in depth and several inches shorter in height. This printer is a solid replacement for those with photo booths that were designed for the size of the UPCX1. The Sinfonia CS2 printer weighs 22 lbs.
The Sinfonia CS2 photo printer is easy to load and will produce 300 4x6 prints per roll, 2 rolls per case. Cost is $0.16 per 4x6. It prints a 4x6 in about 11 seconds, start to finish (our actual print time was a few seconds longer, but still plenty fast for a photo booth workflow). We give it high marks for output quality too.
The color looks great. Flesh to neutral color balances look outstanding. Shadow and highlight details are good. The paper is robust and feels thicker than some more expensive models.
If you are looking for a lightweight printer with a small footprint for your photo booth, this one is a winner!!! Two thumbs up! And BONUS, Sinfonia has included a 30 day, fully functional, free trial of Darkroom Software - the printer can pay for itself with one event.
Please contact Steve or Bill to discuss compatibility with your current photo booth and software. 800-342-9294

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