Register Early for Photo Booth Expo 2016 and Save

PhotoBoothExpologoColor-th Excitement is already building for Photo Booth Expo 2016 which will again be held at the South Point Hotel in Las Vegas, April 11-13, 2016. Use coupon code IMAGINGSPECTRUM (make sure you use all caps!) when you register to get a discount. Everyone that uses this promo code will be entered into our drawing for door prizes including a Darkroom powered Brava #hashtag printer and a copy of Darkroom Booth. Register Now Here is the discount schedule, register now for the most savings: $109 till Nov 15 $119 till Dec 15 $129 till Jan 15 $139 till Feb 15 $149 till March 15 $159 till the show opens $199 at the door Learn more about Photo Booth Expo 2016 Read a recap of Photo Booth Expo 2015
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