Photo Booth Expo 2018 Wrap Up

px2018groupshot Another Photo Booth Expo is in the books and it was the best one yet! This year we focused on output options for printers, new features in Darkroom Booth 3 and keeping our customers up to date with new technology. 3D prints, lighted badges, panoramic printing and filters were a huge hit, so much that our booth was filled with people the entire show. There were also some awesome deals on printers and supplies. If you didn’t get a chance to take advantage of our show specials, feel free to call us at 800-342-9294. Many are still available. It was great seeing our customers at the show and it is always a pleasure supporting their efforts in this industry. Looking forward to seeing you all at next year's Photo Booth Expo! pbx2018booth Congratulations to Frederick Powell, the winner of the Mitsubishi CP-D90DW raffle at PBX. We hope you enjoy your new photo booth printer.
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