Passport Photo Services are an Easy Way to Grow Your Business

Passport Photo Services are an Easy Way to Grow Your Business

Pakor has everything you need to shoot and print passport photos including expert support.

width=Through Pakor, Imaging Spectrum is able to offer exceptional products and services for passport and ID photo businesses. Better yet, it's easy to add passport photos to your current business!

Shooting passport photos is a profitable way of adding revenue to your store. Photo costs are under $1 with a projected return of up to $15.

The photo systems are a little more industrial than what has been offered in the past. The biggest change is that the new systems have roll paper feed instead of individual sheets. This gives a faster print speed and you’re only changing photo paper and ribbon after 300 prints. The systems are stand-a-lone and don’t need WIFI to work.

Important: Even though you will find a lot of information here, we strongly encourage you to reach out to our Passport Expert before you purchase to make sure you get the system that is best for you.
Please call 800-249-3165 or email

We offer a Good, Better, and Best Solution for Shooting Passport Photos


Good: DNP IDW520-SET System

IDW520 PrinterBasic but functional. The DNP IDW520-SET is specifically designed to produce passport and ID photos that comply with federal requirements.

Kit Includes

  • Panasonic® Camera
  • FlashAir™ Card
  • Touchscreen Monitor
  • ID Photo Printer

Quickly produce compliant ID photos the first time every time in just a few easy steps. No need for manual adjustment—saving you time and removing the risk of operator error.

New software!

  • Choose from a vast selection of foreign and domestic passport and Visa output sizes.
  • The IDW520 software creates a gallery of the past six captured images. This allows for easy reprints or changing the template without taking another picture.
  • The built-in biometric function automatically adjusts the head size and position so that it fits the sizing guide properly.
  • Adjust color, brightness, contrast, and more to ensure the highest quality photo.

For prices and availability, please call 800-249-3165


Better: fastID (Canon Camera) system with fastID Printer

fast ID photo systemThe fastID is our best seller. Here is a link to a video showing it in action,

Wireless CamFi Transmitter with Canon EOS Camera.

Biometric Console and updated fastID printer.

The new console has a lot of features that have not been available in previous systems.

  • Auto face alignment
  • International Countries
  • Wireless transmission directly to the console from the camera via CamFi
  • Large 10” view screen that doesn't need additional head sizing templates
  • Touch screen technology on the console allows you to make adjustment as needed.
  • Stand a-lone wireless system that talks to its own WIFI Console.
  • 1-Year warranty.

For prices and availability, please call 800-249-3165


Best: The Photomatic System with ID Station Printer

photomatic passport systemTwo Possible Configurations*

  • You can set up the system with the tablet sitting on the printer. The camera is connect to the tablet by a 15 ft. tethered cable.


  • The tablet can be connected directly to the camera with the included mounting bracket. It is then connect to the printer by a 15 ft. tethered cable.

The Photomatic Passport System is our top of the line and features an integrated Canon EOS Digital camera with a computer tablet. It is a little more industrial than other passport systems. The camera is connected directly to the tablet via a 15 ft. tethered cable allowing the Photomatic software to control it. Users no longer need to understand the camera, they just touch screen to take a photo. No batteries, no wireless network, no Bluetooth, no SD cards.

  • Automatic face alignment
  • Automatic formats Passport and Visa photos for a variety of countries (130 built-in country templates).
  • Background check and edit
  • Printer is always connected to the tablet via tethered cable.
  • Photomatic allows passport photos to be printed, saved, emailed or uploaded into an on-line service directly from the computer.
  • Easy updates

For prices and availability, please call 800-249-3165

* Tripod sold separately.



  • Replacement Batteries
  • Backdrops - Including New LED*
  • Cutters
  • Print Folders

See All Accessories

*To view a short video of the LED backdrop, visit and use password Pakor


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