Sony introduced a new extended service plan program for the entire line up of Professional Photo Printers and the popular Passport Photo Printing System. We are still accessing the details of what the new plan covers and the procedure for getting support, but in a nutshell it extends your out-of-the-box one year warranty by two years, for a total of three years, for only $99. The warranties are available from Imaging Spectrum online or by phone. You can order an extended service plan for your Sony printer up to 11 months from your purchase date. Sony has kept it simple by covering the complete line of professional photo printers with only two part numbers:
SESPDP3E1- 3 Year Extended Service Warranty - $99
Covers the Sony UPCX1, UPCR10L, UPDR200, UPCR20L, UPXC300SPSUPDR80/EW3- 3 Year Extended Service Warranty - $99
Covers the Sony UPDR80
The Sony fine print and links to more information: "An extended Service Plan pays 100% of covered pars and labor (beyond the Sony manufacturer's limited product warranty) for the life of the Extended Service contract (see actual contract for details).
Customer service for UPCX1, UPCR10L, UPDR200, UPCR20L and UPXC300 Extended Warranty: 866-374-0134; details available on
Customer service for the UPDR80 Extended Warranty: 866-766-9272; details available on"
Please note that the above warranties are "mail-in". See below for information on "advance exchange" warranties.
Sony also offers 2 and 3 Year Advance Exchange Agreements. This coverage is more expensive but provides you with an advance exchange unit. This is a good option if your work is often on a tight turnaround and/or if you have enough volume to swamp your backup printer(s). Part numbers and pricing as follows:
UPXC300/RSAE2- 2 Year Advance Exchange Agreement for the UPXC300 - $195UPCX1/RSAE3 - 3 Year Advance Exchange Agreement for the UPCX1 - $249UPDR200/RSAE3 - 2 Year Advance Exchange Agreement for the UPDR200 - $469UPDR80/RSAE3 - 3 Year Advance Exchange Agreement for the UPDR80 - $259
UPCR20L/RSAE3 - 3 Year Advance Exchange Agreement for the UPCR20L - $595
Sony fine print and links to more information: "The Advance Exchange Agreements provide an advance exchange unit and cover shipping costs of the advance exchange unit to the owner's site and the malfunctioning unit back to Sony. An advanced unit will be sent for next business day delivery if the call is received by Sony before 7:30 pm EST, Monday through Friday. The advanced unit may be a new or refurbished model. See terms and conditions for details and exclusions at www. Customer Service for Exchange Agreements can be reached at 866-766-9272."
If you have any questions or comments please let us know by leaving a comment below or call us at 800-342-9294.