More options for your customers brings in more business!Having already done some special sized photos with DNP like a 4x6 perforated that I did a 4x4 and 2x4 and 3-2x8 photo booth strips I am excited for the new options DNP announced today. Included is 3-2x8 and 4x4-2x4 and the new "perfed in the middle" 2-3x4. Then can also be set to cut as 2-2x6 and give you 4-2x3. Trader size. The DS40 is getting a new 2-3x8 size. That makes for really big strips. You could also set that the two inch cut and either do 8-2x3 traders or 2-4x6 and print 4-3x4. All kinds of new sizes to offer the client, all with upgradable price options. No special print drivers or firmware are necessary, as DNP printers recognize the new media as a standard media sheet. Just set your template to take advantage of the perforations and you're set to go. See the new media here DSRX1HS Media DS620 Media DS40 Media