New Firmware and Media for Shinko S2145 Photo Printer

KG Digital, the US distributor for the Shinko/Sinfonia line of photo printers has announced new firmware and media for the Shinko S2145 4x6/5x7/6x9 Photo Printer. To avert any supply issues like we saw last year with other manufacturers, Shinko has sourced a new supplier for their ribbon and paper. The transition should be transparent to the user, however, a firmware update will be necessary before using the new media. The new 5x7 media will be shipping soon, 4x6 and 6x9 will follow in the next few weeks. To help you know what to look for, below are pictures of the current media box and the new box.

Old Shinko S2145 Photo Printer Media Packaging New Shinko S2145 Photo Printer Media Packaging Visit this post for instructions on how to update your Shinko S2145 firmware.

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