Imaging Spectrum, Inc. announces a special discount program for CPI employees to encourage photo business start-ups.
Imaging Spectrum and Darkroom Software have teamed up to assist professional photographers that formerly worked for CPI Corporation. The Imaging Spectrum sales team recently noticed an uptick in incoming phone calls regarding Darkroom Software from former CPI photographers that worked in Wal-Mart or Sears portrait studios. Ronnie McAdams, Operations Manager at Imaging Spectrum, suggested it might be helpful to introduce a specially discounted bundle built around Darkroom Software to help CPI photographers start their own photography business. McAdams approached Darkroom Software who was very receptive to the idea. “CPI employed photographers have been using Express Digital Portrait and Wedding software (an older version of Darkroom) for over 10 years so they're familiar with the platform and they know the power and productivity that the software brings to the table,” said darkroom CEO Brian Woodchek. With the help of Darkroom Software, Imaging Spectrum has created a “Business in a Box” bundle that includes the following:
- The latest version of Darkroom Core Software
- Epson 4900 17” inkjet printer (includes 1 set of inks)
- 1 Roll of 16"x100' Epson Premium Luster Paper (produce 100-12"x16" prints or 60-16"x20" prints)
- 1 Box of 8.5x11 Epson Premium Luster Paper (250 Sheets – Great for 8”x10” prints)
- 1 Hour of one-on-one remote Darkroom Software training
- Free 12 month subscription to photo eCommerce site
- a copy of Sal Cincotta’s book “The Photographer's MBA: Everything You Need to Know for Your Photography Business.”
“Putting photographers back to work in their own small business is good for our industry,” said Mike Woodchek, President of Imaging Spectrum. Woodchek added, “We are acting out part of our mission statement to help photographers run a successful business.” The retail value of the bundle is $2,400 and is available to CPI employees at a significant discount directly from Imaging Spectrum. Leasing is available through the official leasing company of the Professional Photographers of America. Contact Matt McComic at Imaging Spectrum for more information on this program, 800-342-9294.