I Want It Now! Location Printing & Photo Booths

PPA Course #TX15 David J. Stana, Cr.Photog., CPP Bill Vahrenkamp This is the age of instant gratification – fast food, downloaded music, Starbucks drive-thrus and more! And our clients who love convenience and want everything done now are not that different when it comes to their photos! In this workshop, explore product offerings and revenue streams that can accommodate the "I want it now" mentality. David Stana and Bill Vahrenkamp show you how! Now, not everything can be done at the speed of light, but the program Dave and Bill teach is simple – learn how not to lose those clients who have immediate needs, and discover how on-site printing and photo booths can be what your business has been missing. Explore the benefits and increased revenues from on demand offerings. Discuss the how tos of adding a photo booth as your "additional photographer," including basic tool and automation for on-site processes. Discover new market segments you can

Click Here for More Information and to Registerost-event revenue. Dave and Bill provide their knowledge, experience, live software and set up demonstrations as well as the confidence you need to get serious about these instant opportunities. In this "now" world we live in, this is your chance to jump in with both feet! Course Date: Thursday, May 8, 2014 Course Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Items to Bring: desire to learn to leverage your photography knowledge to increase cash flow with new services Location: Imaging Spectrum, Inc. 1101 Summit Avenue Plano, TX 75074 800-342-9294 Click Here for More Information and to Register Instructor Contact: djstana@tx.rr.com bill@albertexphoto.com 972-467-7212 (David) 214-342-9290 (Bill) Instructor Website: http://www.silverstarpictures.net https://www.albertexphoto.com/

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