Harness the Power of YouTube for Your Small Business

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Did you know YouTube is the #2 search engine in the world?

“YouTube processes more than 3 billion searches a month. 100 hours of video are uploaded every minute. It’s bigger than Bing, Yahoo!, Ask and AOL combined,” according to Mushroom Networks. Google is the king of search engines, but YouTube is the princess.

Here are some of the ways you can maximize your presence on YouTube:

Optimize Your Title

Use keywords in your titles like ‘photo booth “your city” rental’. By using these keywords, you will be optimizing and maximizing your video so that more people looking for your type of content can find you.

Character limit: 100

  • Try to mimic the titles of other successful videos and don’t be scared of using your company name.
  • Don’t try to recreate the wheel, if you see other companies with thousands of views study the videos and see what grabs people's attention. Simply ask yourself what made you click on that particular video.

Optimize Your Description

Add keywords in your description. The description will give you that extra juice you need to squeeze out.

  • Character limit: 5,000
  • The description is almost like an “about” page. It helps viewers understand what to expect from your brand.
  • Have relevant links back to your website
  • Use specific keywords
  • Find complimentary words that describe what you’re uploading.

Capture Content

Vlog each event. I don’t know how much I have to emphasize this. I regret not vlogging since I started doing business. It takes just a few seconds to click on your iPhone camera record button. The video you create doesn’t have to be 10-15 minutes long. You can start by doing 4-6 minute videos. Begin by having a conversation with your audience and let them know what you’re about to do and to follow your journey. Giving them insightful information will keep relevant and future followers subscribed.

Make videos showing why clients should hire you. There are millions of videos on YouTube. There are many subjects you can cover; from finance, marketing, SEO, CRMS, technology, software, hiring personal, taxes, and the list goes on.

There are thousands of dollars left when you’re not on YouTube. I have been able to profit and grow at an exponential speed because of YouTube. All my competitors are stuck with Google ADs and Facebook and Instagram marketing. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but there is always more and the beauty of this, is that is completely free.

Additional Tips:

Make sure to add tags.

Add a catch thumbnail with canva.

Make sure to link your quote form or website in the deceptions. Redirect your subscribers back to your website, don't just show them a video with a one sentence description. Also, add all your social media links there, list every single one possible.

Interview other vendors. To grow your platform and brand interview, ballroom vendors, DJs, cake decorators, wedding planners, florists, etc. I guarantee that each interview you conduct will be reposted and shared multiple times. Everyone loves to talk about themselves. And everyone wants exposure.

If you have a small business this is a great way to put yourself on the map. I encounter multiple entrepreneurs a day who do not use YouTube to its full advantage. All my competitors are asleep. Until today, none of my competitors post as I do on YouTube, and I am completely fine with that. At the beginning you may find it difficult, but once you have a routine it should be something you post every week on YouTube.

Article Provided By Photo Booth International.

Imaging Spectrum is here to help you build your pro photography and photo booth business. Give us a call at 214-342-9290.

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