Hahnemuhle recently announced the addition of a new archival photo paper, Baryta FB, to its collection of fine art papers. Baryta, barium sulfate, is a clay like coating that has been used for years on traditional photographic papers. It is now being used on inkjet papers to provide a smooth reflective coating. Traditionalists love the look that it gives their fine art prints and Baryta FB was designed with the traditionalist in mind...
"With its name, structure and surface quality, the bright white paper with its extra smooth surface and glossy coating is reminiscent of the traditional FB (fibre based) Baryta paper," explains Bärbel Manggold, Hahnemühle's fine art paper product manager. "And this impression is even increased by its high grammage of 350 gsm." Just like traditional Baryta paper, Baryta FB meets the highest standards when it comes to picture quality and durability.
Baryta FB papers are now available at Imaging Spectrum in several sizes from 8.5" x 11" sheets up to 60" wide rolls. Click here to go directly to the Baryta FB papers on our website. To view a data sheet click here (PDF 96KB). Click here to read about downloading ICC profiles from Hahnemuhle.