Get Your Epson by the End of the Year


There's more than one reason to get an Epson by the end of December; you can take advantage of Epson rebates and save on taxes.

Why put off the decision to get a new Epson large format printer until next year? 2014 will be ending soon and it can be a great tax write-off to save you money now! Take advantage of great instant rebates on selected Epson Stylus Pro Printers before the year is up and see how much Section 179 can save you off your taxes in 2015! As an extra incentive for your purchase, we will throw in $100 worth of free Epson paper! Use promo code EPSONDEC when you order online or by phone.

spacer-white-25x25spacer-white-25x25spacer-white-25x25 Epson Stylus Pro 4900
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