Five Wireless Printing Solutions for Event Photography and Photo Booths

Wireless Photo Printer with Silex Wireless USB Serverwidth= Would you like to get your printer out of your photo booth? If your photo booth computer has built-in WiFi you can connect wirelessly to your photo printer using a Silex Wireless USB Server. This is a simple inexpensive device that will connect to any USB printer with a Windows driver. This is a peer to peer solution so no internet connection or network adapter is necessary. Read more and purchase here. Wireless Photo Printer with Lantronix xPrintServerLantronix This is a great solution if you want to set up your iOS device (iPhone, iPad) to print to your photo printer. The Lantronix print server is inexpensive and easy to set up; the one drawback is as of date it is only compatible with the DNP DS40 and DNP DS80 and the Shinko S9045. We have filed requests with Lantronix to add additional printers. Read more, purchase and see Lantronix's hilarious videos here. Shoot and Print Wirelessly using Darkroom Core and a Windows TabletSilex-diagram Shoot, preview and order prints wirelessly with this solution that includes a DNP DS40 connected to a Silex Wireless USB Server, a DSLR and a Windows Tablet running Darkroom Core Software. See a video demonstration here. Shoot photos and wirelessly auto-print This is a great option when you want to have a roaming photographer shooting while images are automatically sent wirelessly to a computer. The computer is running Darkroom Core which has been set up to "auto-print" to a DNP DS40. This solution could also be set up for an attendant to curate and print only the photos wanted. See a video demonstration here. Email a photo to a printer This solution enables a user to email a photo to a station which automatically makes a print. This example uses a mini computer running Darkroom Core Software in auto-print mode with a Sinfonia CS2 photo printer. This solution does require an internet connection in order to receive the email. The email addresses is customizable and is set up in Darkroom Core. See a video demonstration here.

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