Epson® Exhibition Canvas Mail-in Rebate

epsonrebate Start by buying three (3) rolls of Epson Exhibition Canvas (qualifying products listed below) from an Epson Authorized Professional Imaging Reseller between December 1, 2013 and February 28, 2014. Fill out this coupon completely. Claims with incomplete information will not be fulfilled. We will send you a rebate check for the full price (before taxes) of the least expensive roll of the three (3) you purchased. Attach a copy of your dated store receipt or invoice with purchases circled and the original or a copy of the UPC codes from the qualifying products. Applicable for each of the following products: Exhibition Canvas Matte 24" x 40' Roll (S045257) Exhibition Canvas Matte 36" x 40' Roll (S045258) Exhibition Canvas Matte 44" x 40' Roll (S045259) Exhibition Canvas Satin 24" x 40' Roll (S045250) Exhibition Canvas Satin 36" x 40' Roll (S045251) Exhibition Canvas Satin 44" x 40' Roll (S045252) Exhibition Canvas Gloss 24" x 40' Roll (S045243) Exhibition Canvas Gloss 36" x 40' Roll (S045244) Exhibition Canvas Gloss 44" x 40' Roll (S045245) Click here to download the mail-in rebate!

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