Education and Support is Key to a Successful Photo Booth Business

Education and Support is Key to a Successful Photo Booth Business

width=For those that missed the PBPI (Photo Booth Professionals International) Academy in New Orleans last week, there was a lot to miss. It was the first of its kind; a real academic environment dedicated solely to the owners of photo booths interested in learning more about the tools of the trade. The best of the best were there sharing unique inside perspectives on every level of the business. The response was very positive; attendees left with a lot of good information about quality, sales techniques, and knowledge to stay at the top of the game.

Let’s be real for a moment about the photo booth industry; it’s a buyer beware world out there. A pretty picture of a booth on a website with a promise of, “all you have to do is plug it in and make money,” may be very disappointing when it is delivered. If not apparent at the time, it will be when you see a smarter competitor who manages to charge more by doing a better job of selling the finer points of quality and experience. I speak with hundreds of booth owners every week and I can tell you the struggle is real. For those that get it right, hats off to you.

One of the things I really like about my job is helping people and the diversity of our customer base. From the single booth owner in a small town to the biggest in the business, I want all of you to be successful. Imaging Spectrum is here for you. Our team of professional support staff will guide you down the right path and advise you on software, printers and output solutions. We can also help you make the right choice when buying a booth. Knowledge is power and that can translate into revenue. Pick up a phone and call us at 800-342-9294 if you have any questions. We want to help you stay at the top of your game!

If you missed PBPI Academy, there is another opportunity coming soon and that is Photo Booth Expo in Las Vegas, March 20-22, 2017. We will be there to support your efforts with education, awesome speakers and meaningful content. We hope to see you there.

Learn more about Photo Booth Expo and how you can save on your registration fee.

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