Consider how easy and affordable it is to add onsite event printing to your photography business revenue stream…
Are you turning down professional onsite printing jobs? You may want to think twice. It has never been more affordable to put a profitable solution in place for the professional on-site printing job. There are several misconceptions about onsite printing and sometimes a fear of the unknown. This is totally understandable. However, times are much different from what they used to be. If you have a good event software program and photo printer, delivering images on the spot doesn’t have to be a “dark science.” It can be easy and profitable.

If you are a professional photographer, chances are you will already have a professional camera, lights and computer for the job. Serious photographers need an effective way to print onsite and manage workflow -
Darkroom Software provides an affordable solution that will guide you. Darkroom Software provides a set of comprehensive tools that will allow you to create images that inspire. You can capture, effectively organize, view, make adjustments and print onsite enabling you to meet and handle any client request including
The printing side of the mix is one of the most misunderstood and yet easiest to implement and manage. There is a reason that
dye-sub printing technology is still the best choice for professional onsite print delivery. These types of printers are portable, fast and have a low cost per print. Professional dye-sub prints have a “robust” character about them, i.e. resistant to fingerprints, water and abrasions, which make them ideal for onsite delivery (unlike most other technologies). Have a look at this
comparison chart to see some of the more popular models.
So what kind of investment dollars should you consider relative to professional output options? We get quite a few of these discovery calls each day at
Imaging Spectrum. My response is typically “we can put together a system for just about any budget.” Sometimes used printers are the way to go if you are on a tight budget. If your job requires fast print times and/or has a certain output requirement, we typically have a reasonable solution for you that will work. I tell people that depending on your output demands and other considerations, you can get a professional dye-sub printing solution for $600 to $1,500. These are the same printers you will find at most high-end onsite delivery operations, including top theme parks and even U.S. Government operations.
One of the most important considerations for this type of work is proper training/support before and after the event. There can never be enough said, as with other professional workflows, about the proper amount of time and energy that needs to be dedicated to training and preparation. We do not mean to suggest that anyone can become a professional event company if you just buy the equipment. However, we can help shorten your learning curve and support you in your efforts. Give us a call at 800-342-9294 or leave a comment below if you have questions about what it takes to put a system together. We will support you before and, more importantly, after the sale.
Are you already well entrenched in onsite printing? Let us know the most important thing you have learned over the years about this market by commenting below. Thanks!