Darkroom Tip: Using html to Enhance to Photo Email

2016-08-17_21-34-47With a little bit of html coding you can go from simple to simply amazing! Add logos, links, graphics, and even embed your freshly captured images. We have included a little bit of code to help you get started. There are a few things to keep in mind;
  1. Any image embedded in an email must be hosted on a web server.
  2. Embedded images must be downloaded and some people have this feature disabled by default.
  3. html coding may require help from a web developer
  4. If you plan to embed the photo booth image you will need to instantly upload the image to your web server.
click to view how you add html click to view how you add html
sample html:


Here is your Image...                                      


Thanks for stopping by our photobooth.
We have attached a high resolution version of this image. Fell Free to use your image how ever you would like.
Visit us at darkroomsoftware.com

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Please keep us in mind the next time you would like to add a little wow factor to your next event.



Please feel free to contact us M-F 8-5 CST.
mail@darkroomsoftware.com | Ph (800)517-4522 Ext.2

Helpful tools: FTP uploader: https://filezilla-project.org/ Html Editor: https://wordhtml.com/
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