Customer Profile: Maryland Mojo Photo

Customer Profile: Maryland Mojo Photo
Communication with the customer is but one key component of our success. 

Meet Larry Selleh, founder of MD Mojo Photo & Video Booths which has served the Maryland area for over 13 years.

What’s your story? Tell us about your business.

I first learned about the photo booth business back in the summer of 2010. I was looking for a side hustle and received a Groupon email for 50% off of a photo booth rental. I called the company and they never called me back – either they were so busy they didn’t need my money or they had very poor customer service. I recognized an opportunity to leverage my skill set effectively. I already knew how to run a business since I grew up in a family business, and extended that knowledge in college for business, understood technology and software as well as more than a basic understanding of photography, I knew I found my niche.  

I started with one booth in August of 2010, and instead of immediately devaluing my brand by offering 50% off, I made the business decision to offer my first 5 events at no charge over the next 6-8 weeks. I went to multiple venues and offered my services at no charge until October 2010. This was a way for me to prove to myself, the couples, and venues that I knew what I was doing. There was no downside for the customers as they understood I was just getting started, and if I had issues (which I didn’t) they would not be out any fees. Six months ago an elderly woman came up to me waving her finger and saying “I know you!” She walked away but came back with a very pedestrian photo strip from August 2010 from the very first wedding we did for Mark and Christine. To this day, we still get referrals from those first 5 events which were given away free of charge.

Tell us about a particular event you’re proud of.   

One event was testimonial photo booth’s placed at multiple hospital locations over the course of a few months. The self-service video booths used Darkroom Booth to capture first-hand what the doctors, nurses, and other medical staff were experiencing during the Covid Pandemic. Through the use of foot-controlled switches, we were able to capture HD video clips of the staff both professionally and personally. We auto-uploaded the videos to DropBox folders for use by the hospital system. 

How has working with Imaging Spectrum and Darkroom Software affected your business?    

Customer service, especially communication, is key to my company’s success, and both Imaging Spectrum and Darkroom Software are always there for me and my company when needed.  The Covid Pandemic caused a lot of havoc on my company, and the industry as a whole. As a silver lining, we had certain key corporate clients we worked regularly during those dark times. Imaging Spectrum and Darkroom Software were there to provide both physical support in terms of paper and ink supply, as well as technical support when needed.

What printers and software do you use?  

We primarily use DNP DS620’s, but we also have DS40s’, which we still use today as they are workhorses, all run by Darkroom Booth. We appreciate Imaging Spectrum’s tech support, and subscribe to Bill Vahrenkamp’s (Senior Technical Specialist at Imaging Spectrum) mantra on removing the paper and ink before transporting printers because just like other activities in life, it only takes one time of not doing the right thing to cause a lifetime of difference.

What else would you like readers to know about your business?   

It’s critically important to know and understand that building a business community with whom we can share ideas, brain storm, etc. has been key to our success.  If you’re in our business, and don’t have “your” community and want to succeed, I highly suggest pursuing one sooner rather than later.

Larry, I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to share your story. I appreciate your business and look forward to working with you for many more years to come.


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