Breeze Photo Booth Software Alert

ISI-EPSON-NEWSLETTER-BANNER-600x350-breeze An unexpected problem has occurred with an older release of DSLR Remote Pro for Windows which has prevented some customers from using the software. This issue only affects DSLR Remote Pro for Windows version 2.4.1.

Any customer running DSLR Remote Pro for Windows 2.4.1 should upgrade to 2.4.2 or later. DSLR Remote Pro for Windows v2.4.2 is a free upgrade for customers who purchased their license on or after May 31, 2011. Customers that are still having trouble after installing a new version should email their activation code to Breeze Systems is providing priority support to resolve this issue.  There may be a few customers affected who bought licenses before 31st May 2011. These customers will need to uninstall all copies of DSLR Remote Pro for windows 2.4.1 from their computer, then download and install an older release from These customers should email Breeze Systems at if they have any problems with this. Please note that this problem only affects DSLR Remote Pro for Windows v2.4.1. Other versions of DSLR Remote Pro for Windows and other Breeze software products are not affected.
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