Bill Vahrenkamp Receives Photographic Craftsman Degree from PPA

Bill Vahrenkamp Receives Photographic Craftsman Degree from PPA
Bill and Tanya just got back from Atlanta, Georgia where they attended Imaging USA, the Professional Photographer of America (PPA) annual convention. Like any industry convention it is chance to see new products, see fellow photographers, and most importantly take classes from fellow photographers on new trends and techniques. Photographic Craftsmen DegreeThis convention was special. Bill has been teaching PPA Super 1 Day classes for 4 years as well as a class for the Houston PPA Guild in order to earn points for degrees that PPA bestows. In October, Bill earned his 25th PPA merit with 18 being speaker merits. That made him eligible for his PPA Photographic Craftsman degree. The degree was presented to Bill on January 12, 2016 by PPA president Michael Timmons, and Bill’s mentor Dennis Hannon. It is a gold medal on a blue ribbon. What is the Photographic Craftsman? This is from the PPA website: Photographic Craftsman – This degree is one of the highest recognition's for speaking, writing and/or mentoring in photography. You must be pretty darn good if other photographers want to learn from you! Congratulations Bill, we are lucky to have you on our team!
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