Benefits of Buying From an Authorized Dealer

iStock_000001022791XSmall At Imaging Spectrum, one of our value-added services is to provide technical support to our customers. Many times this involves troubleshooting printer and media issues. When a customer purchases products outside of proper “authorized” channels, many times they cannot be helped. Buyer beware! Why Authorized Channels are a good idea for your professional business:
  • An Authorized Reseller should be able to answer questions about a product. This should include setup and technical support. This would also include pre and post sale support.
  • A valid warranty claim process. Authorized dealers of dye sub printer/media should have a healthy relationship with the manufacturer. Oftentimes the dealer can assist in warranty claim issues. Buying outside of authorized channels can result in a voided warranty (this includes printers AND media kits).
  • Media is properly stored. Media purchased outside of authorized channels may not have been stored properly or may be out of date. This can result in printer damage or a void of warranty claims.
  • Authorized Resellers should have up to date information from the manufacturer relative to product changes or technical issues. This can save you time and trouble.
  • Product should be fresh and delivered in a professional manner. Product should not be tampered with or have altered serial numbers.
Professional business and best practice: Here are some helpful hints that may help save you time and money.
  • You can usually find a list of authorized dealers on the manufacturers website.
  • Ask your source about the warranty. Is it a manufacturer warranty, dealer warranty or 3rd party warranty? You may be surprised by the answer. A product can be brand new and not have a warranty.
  • Obtain warranty service from the manufacturer and not a third party.
  • Ask if your media purchase is fresh. Ask if it is “brokered” or gray market product.
Some third parties are legit. You just have to ask the right questions: We want to acknowledge that a number of “system integrators” or “booth builders” buy from authorized channels. That is OK and we do support them. However, it is a good idea to ask the builder/integrator if they obtained the materials from an authorized source. If you have any questions about this topic or about the photo printing business in general, please comment below or contact me. Thanks! ~Steve
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