Shinko released a new firmware, version 14.xx, for its S2145 4×6/5×7/6×9 Photo Printer. The new firmware coincided with the release of a new media for the printer. You will need to install this new firmware before using the new media. (Check out our previous post on this topic which includes a picture of the new media box.)
To upgrade the S2145 Firmware to version 14.xx: For printers with Firmware Main 11 and higher, go here: Sinfonia Photo and download the S2145 Firmware (Main 14.xx DSP 3.xx). Unzip the file and save to your PC. If you already have the printer driver installed on the PC, make sure that you exit out of the status monitor before you execute the upgrade. The status monitor is located and the bottom right corner of your screen. Connect PC to printer with USB cable, power ON printer, open the printer door, and then double-click the S1245FWDownload.bat (windows batch file) file. Application window pops up, and starts installing F/W. Note: If you have Main 10 or lower you must upgrade to Main 11 before you can upgrade to Main14. Download the Firmware from the KG Digital download: S2145 Firmware (Main 11.03) If you have any questions, please comment below or shoot our tech team an email.