Updated May 10, 2016: the 4×6 and 6x8 media kit for the HiTi 510 no longer includes the ribbon holder as explained below.
HiTi media for the 510-series will soon be changing to a reusable ribbon cartridge. The plan is to ship the reusable cartridge with each case of media for the first few months then the media will eventually ship with ribbon and paper only. The goal is to make the transition as painless as possible. Media that ships from HiTi during the month of June should still be the old format. The new style media should begin shipping to dealers in July. IMPORTANT: Please note that you will need to update your HiTi 510 Firmware and Printer Drivers before using the new media. Drivers can be downloaded from HiTi: https://www.hiti.com/support/download.aspx.