How to choose a printer for your digital Photo Booth.

Sample Photo Booth PictureOn a daily basis, I get calls asking for advice when it comes to choosing, or upgrading, a photo booth printer. Some of the more common questions tend to revolve around format and quality. However, weight, size and direction of media load are also important considerations. Photo booth design and output requirements need to be considered as well. All things considered, I have chosen a few of the more popular photo booth printers to talk about… with some good reasons why these rise above the rest. All of these photo printers are reliable, easy to maintain and produce beautiful “robust” prints.

Sony UP-CX1 Sony UP-CX1

The most popular printer in the photo booth market today is the Sony UP-CX1 digital photo printer. This light weight printer tips the scales at a mere 23lbs. Easy media replacement and a small footprint makes the UP-CX1 perfect for space-restricted areas. The ribbon cassette on this printer loads from the side and paper from the front. In situations where portability and weight are important, this is the lightest and most portable booth printer in the portfolio.

Sony UP-DR200 Sony UP-DR200

Another printer making waves in the photo booth industry is the Sony UP-DR200 digital photo printer. With its low per-print cost and speed, it’s been gaining in popularity. It also has Sony’s patented ProMatte™ finish, offering the look and feel of professional silver halide matte photos. Glossy printing is available without swapping out the media! If you want a higher level of professional quality in your photo booth look no further. If you want a sample print, give me a holler and I will send it to you.

width= Shinko S2145

The Shinko S2145 is another printer that has found a home in the photo booth market. Shinko has recently introduced a 2x6 photo booth strip driver for this model and the word is spreading. I have had good luck with Shinko, as they make a solid product that is nothing less than a workhorse. The printer’s reliability and hassle-free low maintenance is very attractive, as well as, its easy media load and high-capacity.

We have something in common during our work week. Like you, I don’t like headaches. That’s another good reason to choose one of these as your photo booth printer. If you have any questions feel free to drop me an email or give me a call. Thanks ~Steve Behen

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